Saturday, June 8, 2013

Return to Saturn

As a kid, how did you visualize your life at 30?

Were you married, had kids, a career... I think most of us would have all agreed and said we would have all these things and more...

No one ever warned that 30 would be a harsh reality of constant pressures and self evaluations...

30 sure as hell is not the new 20... At 20, you're in school, traveling, being selfish... You're still living at home, you don't worry about bills, you are oblivious to the change that's about to happen when you hit your "dirty thirties"...

Well now, I'm gonna give you a little warning...

Last year, I was still 29... My close girlfriend told me about the "Return To Saturn"... What is that exactly? Well, the jist of it is that Saturn returns to the exact point in the sky when you were born... This return brings a great change and forces you to leave your youth behind and enter the next stage of your life which is adulthood... It relatively is between the ages of 27-31... If you haven't yet made the necessary changes to enter this transition... The universe will make the necessary changes for them to happen... It will be chaos and it will hurt immensely...

In our 20's we live our lives solely for ourselves... We make selfish choices, put ourselves first about all... We go out drinking every night and live it up... We don't worry about bills or preparing for the future... We still don't have a handle on what we want to pursue as a career... We can live on 2 hours of sleep and can live 5 different lives in a night... We take advantage of every moment and have no regrets nor think of any circumstances...

Entering adulthood shouldn't be terrifying... If you have the ability to really assess who you are and what you need, the next phase of life should be an uplifting time... Something to look forward to... But the important thing is to realize that it may be time to think about what you want to do for the next 20 years of your life... Have you achieved your goals? Have you checked off items on your bucket list? Well, if you are in your late 20's, it's time to really start thinking and working towards becoming someone you can be proud of... Being comfortable in your own skin and maturing into a person you could be proud of... We can't stay in our youth forever... Being young at heart is eternal, but physically we are not at our peak... It's time to really put your head down and work towards an inspiring life... 

We all go through struggles and the universe knows how much I have gone through... Learning the lessons is the most important part... Sometimes it's frightening to take a look in that mirror and realize that your not the person you want to be... No matter what your struggles may be, heartbreak, loss, mourning... It's what you do afterwards that really determines who you are...

I hope that after reading this you will take a look and assess your life... Are you where you wanna be physically? Are you who you want to be emotionally and spiritually?.. Can you be completely alone and content with your own company?.. It may suck to realize that no, you may not be where you want to be... You may not be proud of the person you are...

But guess what... You can change, you can changes things and start putting a life together that you can be happy with... So get to it!!!

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Great sites for more info on the return to Saturn:
Gala Darling has a great survival guide -
Saturn Sisters -

Learn more about your individual sign (uses time and location of birth - neato!) -

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